Hello there, my name is Djoe. I’m a developer who is fascinated in keeping up with technologies as much as I can. There are heaps of them and I barely got anytime! The main purpose of this blog is to store my learning notes, thus it is highly subjective and not necessarily contain correct information.
As I learnt stuffs, I kept notes which I saved in a single Google document. It was good at first, however slowly I realised that it didn’t work for the following reasons
- I wanted a simple copy paste without formatting.
- It’s not a very easy to write a snippet of code.
- As the note grows, it is arguably not that easy to navigate. I guess I could try to split the notes into several Google document but I thought there should be a better solution.
- It doesn’t support
format. A format that I come to like to write IT notes in.
Then I moved to Evernote, which was great. Because combine with a Sublime plugin, I can write notes in markdown
format, post it online and it’s available anywhere. However other stuffs start to came to my mind
- Evernote free version, has limitations on how many uploads I can do.
- I have learnt a lot from the internet, and maybe by sharing some of the notes out, I could learn even more.
After doing some experiments, I came across Jekyll and Hexo and I felt happy with both. However as Jekyll has a bigger user base and a better English community, I decided to made this site using Jekyll.
And thus this site came into live.